
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Energizing Words

There are 2 choices man has in life, either focusing on his own need or becoming an impact for others. It is human if some want to perform the second choice though the facts speak far different from the theory. Instead of circulating positive impact for others, there are still a lot of men leading their lives as stumbling stones and they never care.

When there is a will, we can do a lot to impact our world. Indeed, something needs to be done and a good place to start is with ourselves, such as changing negative things to positive ones. Be appreciation giver, not faultfinder. Think for good and not full of prejudice. Take healthy life style and avoid doing harm to your own life. Work hard and be a role model, not an easy going person. One thing we may not forget is leaving sinful manners to go to the path of righteousness. Then we will be surely spreading out good impact to our family, job, colleagues, as well as our surroundings. Wow...slow but sure, the positive current we have will shake the world.

So, friends, start from now the new life style!!
A life style to impact your world..

*Adapted from Energy

1 comment:

tukangpoto said...

Good spoken and very convincing...
Tha, tulisan di blognya diganti dong warnanya, jangan pink, jadi sakit mata bacanya...good read though.